Fahrzeuge KoskiSound – Schalldämmplatte KoskiPaint – Mit einer lackierfähigen Spezialbeschichtung veredeltes Sperrholz KoskiDeck – Rutschhemmendes Sperrholz für Bodenbeläge KoskiDecor Eco – Birkensperrholz für Trennwände von Transportfahrzeugen KoskiCarat – Sperrholz mit Noppenstrukturen für Bodenbeläge KoskiCrown – Rutschhemmendes Sperrholz für Bodenbeläge KoskiFutura Smooth – Farbig beschichtetes Sperrholz für Wände und fest verbaute Einrichtungen KoskiFutura Textured – Sperrholz mit rutschhemmender Beschichtung KoskiFutura GRP – Starkes, beschichtetes Birkensperrholz KoskiBond F – Feuerbeständiges Birkensperrholz KoskiRuby – Rutschhemmendes Sperrholz für Bodenbeläge KoskiSound F – EN 45545-2 News from Koskisen 20.2.2025 At Koskisen not a single chip is wasted Koskisen’s Finnish chipboard products have the most comprehensive selection of chipboards for construction, interior design,… 4.2.2025 Update on the status of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) Koskisen Oyj is aware that the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) requires that when products are… 3.2.2025 Arkki interior plywood panel creates a natural atmosphere and warmth to any space Koskisen’s Arkki interior plywood panel is made from Finnish birch plywood, and its genuine wood… 7.1.2025 Occupational safety is rooted in the work culture “At Koskisen, we have strived to create a culture where people dare to make and… Go to our news site Finden Sie einen Vertriebsansprechpartner in Ihrer Nähe. Koskisen Tehdastie 216600 Järvelä, Finland+358 20 553 31 Kontakt
20.2.2025 At Koskisen not a single chip is wasted Koskisen’s Finnish chipboard products have the most comprehensive selection of chipboards for construction, interior design,…
4.2.2025 Update on the status of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) Koskisen Oyj is aware that the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) requires that when products are…
3.2.2025 Arkki interior plywood panel creates a natural atmosphere and warmth to any space Koskisen’s Arkki interior plywood panel is made from Finnish birch plywood, and its genuine wood…
7.1.2025 Occupational safety is rooted in the work culture “At Koskisen, we have strived to create a culture where people dare to make and…