Article serie of Koskisen’s everyday life during corona time continue. Due to the restrictions brought by the coronavirus spring, working conditions have had to be rethought, if not reinvented. To the second story we interviewed log sorting operator Timo Moilanen.

Log sorting operator Timo Moilanen says that the basic work has not changed much due to the corona crisis. “We mostly work solo shifts, grading and sorting, receiving roundwood and making mill measurements.” The team is small, which is why it is especially important to take care of work ability, according to Moilanen. “There are not many of us, and we cannot afford to fall ill. Log sorting is an important step in wood processing; all roundwood comes through that stage.”
Visits by timber truck drivers at the log sorting plant have been limited and physical distancing is observed. In addition, when changing operators, hand washing and hygiene have been increased, and the keypad and the mouse are always disinfected. Work safety has been improved further by making small adjustments. “We have used common sense. We always communicate with operators via walkie-talkies even in normal times, but now we have even stopped talking to each other during breaks.”
The new ways of operating require a certain learning process. “Drivers from Russia do not necessarily know what they should do, and before they woud come all the way up to us to get instructions. We have drawn up clear instructions for them and started using disinfectants. Until last week, drivers used to come to the control room, but now the instructions seem to be working,” Moilanen says.
Moilanen believes that people will be more mindful of hygiene during future flu seasons. “It could be that the coronavirus is teaching Finns to wash their hands,” Moilanen reckons.