Board of Directors

The duties and responsibilities of Koskisen Board of Directors shall be determined by the Limited Liability Companies Act and other applicable legislation.

The company’s Board of Directors has general competence in all of the matters that are not prescribed to be decided on or carried out by other organs under law or the Company’s Articles of Association. It is a general duty of the company’s Board of Directors to see to the administration of Koskisen and the appropriate organization of its operations. The Board of Directors shall in all situations act in line with the interests of Koskisen.

The Board of Directors has a charter that specifies the duties of the Board of Directors and its Chair. The Board of Directors shall convene according to a pre-agreed schedule normally from 8 to 12 times a year and hold extraordinary meetings, if necessary. The Board of Directors shall annually review its activities and operating methods.

In accordance with the Articles of Association, the general meeting of shareholders elects a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of nine (9) members of the Board of Directors.

Board composition

Pekka Kuusniemi

Chairman of the Board since 2023
b. 1968, M.Sc. (Econ.)

Main occupation: CEO, VAK Group since 2025

Eva Wathén

Member of the Board since 2001 
b. 1967, M.Sc and eMBA

Kari Koskinen

Member of the Board since 1989
b. 1958, M.Sc (B.A)

Kalle Reponen

Board member since 2014
s. 1965, Master of Science, Economics and Business Administration

Principal occupation: Board professional

Hanna Maria Sievinen

Member of the Board since 2015
Vice Chairman of the Board since 2024
b. 1972, D.Sc. (Economics & Business Administration)

Principal occupation: board professional, independent advisor

Hanna Masala

Member of the board since 2023
b. 1976, M.Sc (Finance)

Principal occupation:
CFO, Sitowise Group Plc since 2022

Board committees

Audit Committee

Koskisen Board of Directors has established an Audit Committee with the main responsibility to ensure the appropriate arrangement of the governance, controls and risk management in accordance with the Companies Act and to release the Board of Directors’ time for strategic matters by providing the Board of Directors with quarterly reports on those matters. The Audit Committee shall consist of 3–5 members, including a Chair, that are elected by the Board of Directors among its members following the Annual General Meeting. The term of office of the members of the Audit Committee is one year. The majority of the members of the Audit Committee shall be independent of the Company and at least one member of the Audit Committee shall be independent of the significant shareholders of the Company.

The members of the audit committee in the current term are Hanna Sievinen, Eva Wathén and Hanna Masala.