Management holdings and transactions
In accordance with the MAR regulations, the persons working in Koskisen’s management positions and their related parties must inform the company and the Financial Supervisory Authority of the transactions they have made with the company’s shares or other financial instruments.
The company publishes information about transactions as a stock exchange release. In addition to the members of the company’s board of directors and the CEO, the members of the company’s management team (management reporting obligations) are considered to be persons holding management positions in Koskisen Oyj.
Instructions for filling the transaction notification form
1. Transactions will be notified via electronic services. You can log in to the electronic services at asiointi.finanssivalvonta.fi/en/
Service-specific instructions for using electronic services can be found here.
Information needed on the form:
- LEI-code 9845000D85046ECFFF27
- Shortname KOSKI
- ISIN code FI4000533005
2. Please send the filled form attached to an e-mail as instructed below
Do not send the form by post because of the short time frame.
Send the form attached to an e-mail ir@koskisen.com
Koskisen publishes the notification it has received in a stock exchange release promptly after receipt of the notification.
Published notifications of transactions by managers and their closely associated persons can be read from stock exchange releases.
Management holdings
* A shares held by him and entities controlled by him, total