Effective and competitive remuneration is an essential tool for hiring capable management in Koskisen, which in turn contributes to the company’s financial success and the implementation of good governance.
Remuneration supports the implementation of Koskisen strategy and long-term profitability and promotes the company’s competitiveness.
Remuneration policy
The principles and guidelines for the remuneration of the Company are discussed by the Board of Directors of the Company.
The Board monitors and supervises the functioning of the remuneration policy, the competitiveness of remuneration and how the remuneration policy promotes Koskisen’s long-term goals and, if necessary, proposes changes to the company’s remuneration policy to the Annual General Meeting.
The Company’s Board of Directors approves and presents the Company’s remuneration policy to the Annual General Meeting. The Board of Directors has not considered it necessary to establish a separate remuneration committee.
The remuneration policy must be presented to the Annual General Meeting at least every four years. In addition, material changes to the remuneration policy must always be presented to the Annual General Meeting.
Remuneration reporting
Detailed information on the actual remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO is disclosed in the annual remuneration reports, which are presented to the Annual General Meeting for an advisory vote.
Koskisen Remuneration Reports
Koskisen Remuneration report 2023
Koskisen Remuneration report 2022