Sustainable bio-circular economy solutions

We invest in sustainable circular bioeconomy solutions

Material flows

  • Efficient and optimised use of wood and other raw materials (material efficiency)

Circular economy in our own operations and value chain

  • Increasing the processing rate of wood by-streams and using recycled materials as value-added products
  • Innovating new circular economy solutions in collaboration with our stakeholders
  • Quality and environmental certificates for products and services
ThemeObjectivesKPIKPI target
Base year 2022
In 2023
Material flows2024: 
Efficient and optimised use of wood raw materials 
Wood utilisation efficiency %Wood raw material efficiency for long-lasting wood products 60% (2022: 55%)52%
Circular economy in our own operations and value chain2024: Increasing the use of recycled materials in chipboard productionShare of recycled materials of the chipboard raw materialsShare of recycled materials of the chipboard raw materials 5% (2022: 0)
2024: Innovating new circular economy solutions Allocation of product development contributions to the development of circular economy solutionsIncreasing the R&D resources (EUR) by +10% (2022: EUR 0.3 million)EUR 0.5 million