Instructions for visitors
We want your visit with us to go as smoothly as possible, which is why we focus on visitor safety and well-being, and easy arrival to the mill area.
Before your arrival, be sure to read the safety instructions for visitors, as well as the map of the mill area that you will be visiting.
Also check out the map of the factory area you are coming to visit.
Head office & panel industry
Sawn timber industry
Thin plywood industry
We require that all visitors to our mill areas complete Koskisen’s online safety training course.
It takes 10 minutes to complete the course – please set aside sufficient time and a quiet environment for it. You can complete the training course on a computer, tablet or smart phone. Before you begin, make sure the audio on your device works.
To log in to the course, you will need to enter the personal information required for signing in. Be sure to complete the training course from beginning to end to ensure that it is saved in the system.
The link below or on the right-hand side of the page will take you to the online training course. When you get to the front page of the course, select
A – safety training for visitors.
Use the password below to log in to the course.
The password for safety training for visitors is (training A): koski300
You will receive a certificate by email when you have completed the training. Forward it to your contact person at Koskisen before your visit.
Welcome to Koskisen!
Professional transport
On the same page, you will find our online training for hauliers, for maintenance subcontractors and for operators of forest machinery and timber truck drivers. Use the passwords below to log in to those online courses.
Password for safety training for hauliers (Training B): koski400
Password for safety training for maintenance (Training C): koski500
Password for safety training for operators of forest machinery and timber truck drivers (Training D): koski600