A healthy environment
Careful utilisation of raw material is in the interest of both our mills and the wood sellers. Of the procured wood, Koskisen processes approx. 60% into wood products. The rest is sold as bioenergy and raw material to the chemical forest industry. Sustainable forest management practices guarantee the availability of wood in the future.
Environment-focused operations
- Wastewater volume per m3 produced declined from 0.114 m3 in 2020 to 0.105 m3.
- We have replaced the Sawn Timber Industry’s oil boilers with biomass boilers.
Environmental friendliness is the foundation of our operations
The basic philosophy of our environmental policy is to continuously improve our environmental performance. We aim to continuously reduce the load caused by our operations on the soil, water and air. The development of our products and production processes aims at minimising harmful environmental impacts over the entire lifecycle of the products. In all operations the minimum requirement is to fulfil the obligations laid down in Finnish environmental legislation.
We are proud to be able to work in the realm of Finland’s green gold. Environmental aspects feature prominently in our product development and our choice of suppliers. We minimise the environmental load of our production by utilising biofuels in our heat production and by paying special attention to waste sorting, water consumption, emissions and overall energy consumption.
One of our goals is to be in the forefront of adopting new international environmental standards and following the principles of sustainable development. We constantly revise our operations both to ensure their sustainability and, consequently, the sustained growth of our forest everywhere.
You can access Koskisen’s environmental report on the company’s website.
share of certified wood of the procured wood
share of biofuel in heat production
of the procured wood, Koskisen processes wood products
of the roundwood, Koskisen procure from private forests