Carbon footprint and carbon handprint
Koskisen Group annually keeps track of the Group’s carbon footprint in accordance with the ISO 14067 and ISO 14064 standards.
In 2022, the Group’s carbon footprint, i.e. fossil greenhouse gas emissions, amounted to 126,949 (116,530 in 2021) tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.
The Group’s wood products sequestered 374,289 (394,573) tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, thus representing a carbon handprint that is 2,9 (3,4) times the carbon footprint.
Koskisen also calculated the direct and indirect emissions (Scope 1 and 2) in line with the GHG Protocol:
The direct emissions from own operations (3,751 CO2-eq, t) are made up by the fossil fuel used by heat production reserve boilers and the transports taking place within the mill areas. Indirect emissions (16,271 CO2-eq, t) result from emissions from the production of purchased electricity.
Koskisen has also started calculating the emissions resulting from purchases and value chains (Scope 3).
You can view the Carbon Footprint and Carbon Handprint report in our material bank.