Business ethics
Koskinen always acts in accordance with the law and regulations and comply with the regulations and requirements related to our operations. We are politically independent and a strongly Finnish and local wood products company.
We do not accept corruption or bribery in any form. We pay our personnel’s travel and accommodation expenses to customers, suppliers, seminars and training events. Reasonable hospitality and giving and taking minor gifts in the normal course of business is permitted.
There shall be no conflict of interest between the Group’s personnel and supplier or other stakeholder relationships due to family ties.
We expect our employees to take good care of the company’s assets and to handle and store confidential information appropriately.
Our fair practices are described in more detail in the Group’s Code of Conduct.
Whistleblowing channel
Our whistleblowing channel is intended for reporting various suspected misconduct and breaches of EU law by both employees and other private individuals. The identity of the person submitting the report is never revealed to the recipient unless the notifier knowingly states it.
The whistleblowing channel is not intended for receiving and processing customer feedback or complaints.