Material efficiency

Investing in the environment

There are two guiding principles underlying the Koskisen energy policy: promoting energy efficiency and increasing the use of renewable energy. One of the ways in which we promote our energy efficiency is participating in the Confederation of Finnish Industries’ Energy Efficiency Agreement. 

The thermal energy required by our Järvelä mills is generated by the main and reserve boilers owned by a partner. Biofuels recovered as by-products of our operations are the primary fuel of our main boilers. The reserve boilers use fuel oil. Some of the produced heat is sold externally as district heating.

Our goal is to continuously improve energy efficiency.
The production volumes across all production units have an impact on the efficiency of our energy usage. One of the ways we have reduced energy consumption is to instruct our employees not to idle their machines and to turn off any equipment and lights when not in use.Koskisen Environmental report (in Finnish) contains information on the distribution of energy consumption, water consumption, wastewater volumes, emissions and other environmental impacts.

Our targets

  • Total energy consumption down 7.5% by 2025 compared to 2015 (goal related to the Energy Efficiency Agreement)
  • Reduction in wastewater volume:
    Wastewater volume max.
    0.155 m3/produced m3 and max. 78,400 m3/year
  • Share of biofuel in heat production at least 98%

2021 results

  • Compared to the 2015 level, our total energy consumption has grown by 21.6 per cent
  • Wastewater volume
    0.105 m3/produced m3 and total wastewater volume 62,925 m3
  • The proportion of biofuel in heat production 97.7%